Frequently Asked Questions

Is Salt open-core?

No. Salt is 100% committed to being open-source, including all of our APIs and the new 'Halite' web interface which will be included in version 0.17.0. It is developed under the Apache 2.0 license, allowing it to be used in both open and proprietary projects.

What ports should I open on my firewall?

Minions need to be able to connect to the Master on TCP ports 4505 and 4506. Minions do not need any inbound ports open. More detailed information on firewall settings can be found here.

My script runs every time I run a state.highstate. Why?

You are probably using rather than cmd.wait. A cmd.wait state will only run when there has been a change in a state that it is watching.

A state will run the corresponding command every time (unless it is prevented from running by the unless or onlyif arguments).

More details can be found in the docmentation for the cmd states.

When I run, why don't the Minions that aren't responding return anything? Returning False would be helpful.

When you run the Master tells Minions to run commands/functions, and listens for the return data, printing it to the screen when it is received. If it doesn't receive anything back, it doesn't have anything to display for that Minion.

There are a couple options for getting information on Minions that are not responding. One is to use the verbose (-v) option when you run salt commands, as it will display "Minion did not return" for any Minions which time out.

salt -v '*' pkg.install zsh

Another option is to use the manage.down runner:

salt-run manage.down

How does Salt determine the Minion's id?

If the Minion id is not configured explicitly (using the id parameter), Salt will determine the id based on the hostname. Exactly how this is determined varies a little between operating systems and is described in detail here.

I'm trying to manage packages/services but I get an error saying that the state is not available. Why?

Salt detects the Minion's operating system and assigns the correct package or service management module based on what is detected. However, for certain custom spins and OS derivatives this detection fails. In cases like this, an issue should be opened on our tracker, with the following information:

  1. The output of the following command:

    salt <minion_id> grains.items | grep os
  2. The contents of /etc/lsb-release, if present on the Minion.

I'm using gitfs and my custom modules/states/etc are not syncing. Why?

In versions of Salt 0.16.3 or older, there is a bug in gitfs which can affect the syncing of custom types. Upgrading to 0.16.4 or newer will fix this.

Why aren't my custom modules/states/etc. available on my Minions?

Custom modules are only synced to Minions when state.highstate, saltutil.sync_modules, or saltutil.sync_all is run. Similarly, custom states are only synced to Minions when state.highstate, saltutil.sync_states, or saltutil.sync_all is run.

Other custom types (renderers, outputters, etc.) have similar behavior, see the documentation for the saltutil module for more information.

Module X isn't available, even though the shell command it uses is installed. Why?

This is most likely a PATH issue. Did you custom-compile the software which the module requires? RHEL/CentOS/etc. in particular override the root user's path in /etc/init.d/functions, setting it to /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin, making software installed into /usr/local/bin unavailable to Salt when the Minion is started using the initscript. In version 0.18.0, Salt will have a better solution for these sort of PATH-related issues, but recompiling the software to install it into a location within the PATH should resolve the issue in the meantime. Alternatively, you can create a symbolic link within the PATH using a file.symlink state.

    - target: /usr/local/bin/foo