Full list of builtin state modulesΒΆ

alias Configuration of email aliases.
alternatives Configuration of the alternatives system
apt Package management operations specific to APT- and DEB-based systems
augeas Configuration management using Augeas
cmd Execution of arbitrary commands
cron Management of cron, the Unix command scheduler.
debconfmod Management of debconf selections.
disk Disk monitoring state
eselect Management of Gentoo configuration using eselect
file Operations on regular files, special files, directories, and symlinks.
gem Installation of Ruby modules packaged as gems.
git Interaction with Git repositories.
grains Manage grains on the minion.
group Management of user groups.
hg Interaction with Mercurial repositories.
host Management of addresses and names in hosts file.
iptables Management of iptables
keyboard Management of keyboard layouts
kmod Loading and unloading of kernel modules.
layman Management of Gentoo Overlays using layman
libvirt Manage libvirt certs.
locale Management of languages/locales
lvm Management of Linux logical volumes
makeconf Management of Gentoo make.conf
mdadm Managing software RAID with mdadm
modjk_worker Send commands to a modjk load balancer via the peer system
module Execution of Salt modules from within states.
mongodb_database Management of Mongodb databases
mongodb_user Management of Mongodb users
mount Mounting of filesystems.
mysql_database Management of MySQL databases (schemas).
mysql_grants Management of MySQL grants (user permissions).
mysql_user Management of MySQL users.
network Configuration of network interfaces.
npm Installation of NPM Packages
pecl Installation of PHP Extensions Using pecl
pip_state Installation of Python Packages Using pip
pkg Installation of packages using OS package managers such as yum or apt-get
pkgng Manage package remote repo using FreeBSD pkgng
pkgrepo Management of package repos
portage_config Management of Portage package configuration on Gentoo
postgres_database Management of PostgreSQL databases.
postgres_group Management of PostgreSQL groups (roles).
postgres_user Management of PostgreSQL users (roles).
quota Management of POSIX Quotas
rabbitmq_user Manage RabbitMQ Users.
rabbitmq_vhost Manage RabbitMQ Virtual Hosts.
rbenv Managing Ruby installations with rbenv.
rvm Managing Ruby installations and gemsets with Ruby Version Manager (RVM).
selinux Management of SELinux rules.
service Starting or restarting of services and daemons.
ssh_auth Control of entries in SSH authorized_key files.
ssh_known_hosts Control of SSH known_hosts entries.
stateconf Stateconf System
supervisord Interaction with the Supervisor daemon.
svn Manage SVN repositories
sysctl Configuration of the Linux kernel using sysctrl.
timezone Management of timezones
tomcat This state uses the manager webapp to manage Apache tomcat webapps
user Management of user accounts.
virtualenv_mod Setup of Python virtualenv sandboxes.