
The backend for a fileserver based on Amazon S3

See also

Salt File Server

This backend exposes directories in S3 buckets as Salt environments. This feature is managed by the fileserver_backend option in the Salt Master config.

S3 credentials can be set in the master config file like so:

s3.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs

Alternatively, if on EC2 these credentials can be automatically loaded from instance metadata.

Additionally, s3fs must be included in the fileserver_backend config parameter in the master config file:

  - s3fs

This fileserver supports two modes of operation for the buckets:

  1. A single bucket per environment

        - bucket1
        - bucket2
        - bucket3
        - bucket4
  2. Multiple environments per bucket

      - bucket1
      - bucket2
      - bucket3
      - bucket4

Note that bucket names must be all lowercase both in the AWS console and in Salt, otherwise you may encounter SignatureDoesNotMatch errors.

A multiple-environment bucket must adhere to the following root directory structure:

s3://<bucket name>/<environment>/<files>

Return a list of all directories on the master


Return a list of directories within the bucket that can be used as environments.

salt.fileserver.s3fs.file_hash(load, fnd)

Return an MD5 file hash


Return a list of all files on the file server in a specified environment


Return a list of all empty directories on the master

salt.fileserver.s3fs.find_file(path, env='base', **kwargs)

Look through the buckets cache file for a match. If the field is found, it is retrieved from S3 only if its cached version is missing, or if the MD5 does not match.

salt.fileserver.s3fs.serve_file(load, fnd)

Return a chunk from a file based on the data received


Update the cache file for the bucket.