
Installation of Python Packages Using pip

These states manage system installed python packages. Note that pip must be installed for these states to be available, so pip states should include a requisite to a pkg.installed state for the package which provides pip (python-pip in most cases). Example:


    - require:
      - pkg: python-pip
salt.states.pip_state.installed(name, pip_bin=None, requirements=None, env=None, bin_env=None, use_wheel=False, log=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, repo=None, editable=None, find_links=None, index_url=None, extra_index_url=None, no_index=False, mirrors=None, build=None, target=None, download=None, download_cache=None, source=None, upgrade=False, force_reinstall=False, ignore_installed=False, exists_action=None, no_deps=False, no_install=False, no_download=False, install_options=None, user=None, runas=None, no_chown=False, cwd=None, activate=False, pre_releases=False, __env__='base')

Make sure the package is installed

The name of the python package to install
The user under which to run pip
pip_bin : None
Deprecated, use bin_env
use_wheel : False
Prefer wheel archives (requires pip>=1.4)
env : None
Deprecated, use bin_env
bin_env : None
the pip executable or virtualenv to use

Changed in version 0.17.0: use_wheel option added.

salt.states.pip_state.removed(name, requirements=None, bin_env=None, log=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, user=None, runas=None, cwd=None, __env__='base')

Make sure that a package is not installed.

The name of the package to uninstall
The user under which to run pip
bin_env : None
the pip executable or virtualenenv to use