
Support for Tomcat

This module uses the manager webapp to manage Apache tomcat webapps If the manager webapp is not configured some of the functions won't work

The following grains/pillar should be set:

tomcat-manager.user: admin user name
tomcat-manager.passwd: password

and also configure a user in the conf/tomcat-users.xml file:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <role rolename="manager-script"/>
    <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="manager-script"/>


salt.modules.tomcat.deploy_war(war, context, force='no', url='http://localhost:8080/manager', env='base', timeout=180)

Deploy a WAR file

absolute path to WAR file (should be accessible by the user running tomcat) or a path supported by the salt.modules.cp.get_file function
the context path to deploy
force : False
set True to deploy the webapp even one is deployed in the context
url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
env : base
the environment for WAR file in used by salt.modules.cp.get_file function
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

cp module .. code-block:: bash

salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war salt://application.war /api salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war salt://application.war /api no salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war salt://application.war /api yes http://localhost:8080/manager

minion local file system .. code-block:: bash

salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war /tmp/application.war /api salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war /tmp/application.war /api no salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war /tmp/application.war /api yes http://localhost:8080/manager

Return all server information from version

CLI Example:

salt '*' tomcat.fullversion
salt.modules.tomcat.leaks(url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

Find memory leaks in tomcat

url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.leaks'http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

list all the deployed webapps

url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*'
salt '*' http://localhost:8080/manager
salt.modules.tomcat.passwd(passwd, user='', alg='md5', realm=None)

This function replaces the $CATALINS_HOME/bin/ script convert a clear-text password to the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/tomcat-users.xml format

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.passwd secret
salt '*' tomcat.passwd secret tomcat sha1
salt '*' tomcat.passwd secret tomcat sha1 'Protected Realm'
salt.modules.tomcat.reload_(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

Reload the webapp

the webapp context path
url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.reload /jenkins
salt '*' tomcat.reload /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
salt.modules.tomcat.serverinfo(url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

return detailes about the server

url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.serverinfo
salt '*' tomcat.serverinfo http://localhost:8080/manager
salt.modules.tomcat.sessions(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

return the status of the webapp sessions

the webapp context path
url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.sessions /jenkins
salt '*' tomcat.sessions /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager

Signals catalina to start, stop, securestart, forcestop.

CLI Example:

salt '*' tomcat.signal start
salt.modules.tomcat.start(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

Start the webapp

the webapp context path
url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.start /jenkins
salt '*' tomcat.start /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
salt.modules.tomcat.status(url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

Used to test if the tomcat manager is up

url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.status
salt '*' tomcat.status http://localhost:8080/manager
salt.modules.tomcat.status_webapp(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

return the status of the webapp (stopped | running | missing)

the webapp context path
url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.status_webapp /jenkins
salt '*' tomcat.status_webapp /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
salt.modules.tomcat.stop(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

Stop the webapp

the webapp context path
url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.stop /jenkins
salt '*' tomcat.stop /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
salt.modules.tomcat.undeploy(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)

Undeploy a webapp

the webapp context path
url : http://localhost:8080/manager
the URL of the server manager webapp
timeout : 180
timeout for HTTP request

CLI Examples:

salt '*' tomcat.undeploy /jenkins
salt '*' tomcat.undeploy /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager

Return server version from version

CLI Example:

salt '*' tomcat.version