
Module for handling openstack glance calls.

  • glanceclient Python adapter

This module is not usable until the following are specified either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:

keystone.user: admin
keystone.password: verybadpass
keystone.tenant: admin
keystone.tenant_id: f80919baedab48ec8931f200c65a50df
keystone.insecure: False   #(optional)
keystone.auth_url: ''

If configuration for multiple openstack accounts is required, they can be set up as different configuration profiles: For example:

  keystone.user: admin
  keystone.password: verybadpass
  keystone.tenant: admin
  keystone.tenant_id: f80919baedab48ec8931f200c65a50df
  keystone.auth_url: ''

  keystone.user: admin
  keystone.password: verybadpass
  keystone.tenant: admin
  keystone.tenant_id: f80919baedab48ec8931f200c65a50df
  keystone.auth_url: ''

With this configuration in place, any of the keystone functions can make use of a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly. For example:

salt '*' glance.image_list profile=openstack1
salt.modules.glance.image_create(profile=None, **kwargs)

Create an image (glance image-create)

CLI Example:

salt '*' glance.image_create name=f16-jeos is_public=true \
         disk_format=qcow2 container_format=ovf \

For all possible values, run glance help image-create on the minion.

salt.modules.glance.image_delete(id=None, name=None, profile=None)

Delete an image (glance image-delete)

CLI Examples:

salt '*' glance.image_delete c2eb2eb0-53e1-4a80-b990-8ec887eae7df
salt '*' glance.image_delete id=c2eb2eb0-53e1-4a80-b990-8ec887eae7df
salt '*' glance.image_delete name=f16-jeos
salt.modules.glance.image_list(id=None, profile=None)

Return a list of available images (glance image-list)

CLI Example:

salt '*' glance.image_list
salt.modules.glance.image_show(id=None, name=None, profile=None)

Return details about a specific image (glance image-show)

CLI Example:

salt '*' glance.image_get