
Module to provide MySQL compatibility to salt.

  • MySQLdb Python module

In order to connect to MySQL, certain configuration is required in /etc/salt/minion on the relevant minions. Some sample configs might look like: 'localhost'
mysql.port: 3306
mysql.user: 'root'
mysql.pass: ''
mysql.db: 'mysql'
mysql.unix_socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'

You can also use a defaults file:

mysql.default_file: '/etc/mysql/debian.cnf'

Changed in version 0.16.2: Connection arguments from the minion config file can be overridden on the CLI by using the arguments defined here. Additionally, it is now possible to setup a user with no password.

salt.modules.mysql.db_check(name, table=None, **connection_args)

Repairs the full database or just a given table

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.db_check dbname
salt.modules.mysql.db_create(name, **connection_args)

Adds a databases to the MySQL server.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.db_create 'dbname'
salt.modules.mysql.db_exists(name, **connection_args)

Checks if a database exists on the MySQL server.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.db_exists 'dbname'

Return a list of databases of a MySQL server using the output from the SHOW DATABASES query.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.db_list
salt.modules.mysql.db_optimize(name, table=None, **connection_args)

Optimizes the full database or just a given table

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.db_optimize dbname
salt.modules.mysql.db_remove(name, **connection_args)

Removes a databases from the MySQL server.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.db_remove 'dbname'
salt.modules.mysql.db_repair(name, table=None, **connection_args)

Repairs the full database or just a given table

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.db_repair dbname
salt.modules.mysql.db_tables(name, **connection_args)

Shows the tables in the given MySQL database (if exists)

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.db_tables 'database'

Frees a slave from its master. This is a WIP, do not use.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.free_slave

Retrieves the master status from the minion.

{'': {'Binlog_Do_DB': '',
'Binlog_Ignore_DB': '', 'File': 'mysql-bin.000021', 'Position': 107}}

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.get_master_status

Retrieves the slave status from the minion.


{'': {'Connect_Retry': 60,
               'Exec_Master_Log_Pos': 107,
               'Last_Errno': 0,
               'Last_Error': '',
               'Last_IO_Errno': 0,
               'Last_IO_Error': '',
               'Last_SQL_Errno': 0,
               'Last_SQL_Error': '',
               'Master_Host': '',
               'Master_Log_File': 'mysql-bin.000021',
               'Master_Port': 3306,
               'Master_SSL_Allowed': 'No',
               'Master_SSL_CA_File': '',
               'Master_SSL_CA_Path': '',
               'Master_SSL_Cert': '',
               'Master_SSL_Cipher': '',
               'Master_SSL_Key': '',
               'Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert': 'No',
               'Master_Server_Id': 1,
               'Master_User': 'replu',
               'Read_Master_Log_Pos': 107,
               'Relay_Log_File': 'klo-relay-bin.000071',
               'Relay_Log_Pos': 253,
               'Relay_Log_Space': 553,
               'Relay_Master_Log_File': 'mysql-bin.000021',
               'Replicate_Do_DB': '',
               'Replicate_Do_Table': '',
               'Replicate_Ignore_DB': '',
               'Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids': '',
               'Replicate_Ignore_Table': '',
               'Replicate_Wild_Do_Table': '',
               'Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table': '',
               'Seconds_Behind_Master': 0,
               'Skip_Counter': 0,
               'Slave_IO_Running': 'Yes',
               'Slave_IO_State': 'Waiting for master to send event',
               'Slave_SQL_Running': 'Yes',
               'Until_Condition': 'None',
               'Until_Log_File': '',
               'Until_Log_Pos': 0}}

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.get_slave_status
salt.modules.mysql.grant_add(grant, database, user, host='localhost', grant_option=False, escape=True, **connection_args)

Adds a grant to the MySQL server.

For database, make sure you specify database.table or database.*

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.grant_add 'SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,...' 'database.*' 'frank' 'localhost'
salt.modules.mysql.grant_exists(grant, database, user, host='localhost', grant_option=False, escape=True, **connection_args)

Checks to see if a grant exists in the database

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.grant_exists 'SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,...' 'database.*' 'frank' 'localhost'
salt.modules.mysql.grant_revoke(grant, database, user, host='localhost', grant_option=False, escape=True, **connection_args)

Removes a grant from the MySQL server.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.grant_revoke 'SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE' 'database.*' 'frank' 'localhost'

Retrieves the processlist from the MySQL server via "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST".

Returns: a list of dicts, with each dict representing a process:
{'Command': 'Query',
'Host': 'localhost', 'Id': 39, 'Info': 'SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST', 'Rows_examined': 0, 'Rows_read': 1, 'Rows_sent': 0, 'State': None, 'Time': 0, 'User': 'root', 'db': 'mysql'}

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.processlist
salt.modules.mysql.query(database, query, **connection_args)

Run an arbitrary SQL query and return the results or the number of affected rows.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.query mydb "UPDATE mytable set myfield=1 limit 1"

Return data:

{'query time': {'human': '39.0ms', 'raw': '0.03899'}, 'rows affected': 1L}

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.query mydb "SELECT id,name,cash from users limit 3"

Return data:

{'columns': ('id', 'name', 'cash'),
    'query time': {'human': '1.0ms', 'raw': '0.001'},
    'results': ((1L, 'User 1', Decimal('110.000000')),
                (2L, 'User 2', Decimal('215.636756')),
                (3L, 'User 3', Decimal('0.040000'))),
    'rows returned': 3L}

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.query mydb 'INSERT into users values (null,"user 4", 5)'

Return data:

{'query time': {'human': '25.6ms', 'raw': '0.02563'}, 'rows affected': 1L}

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.query mydb 'DELETE from users where id = 4 limit 1'

Return data:

{'query time': {'human': '39.0ms', 'raw': '0.03899'}, 'rows affected': 1L}

Jinja Example: Run a query on mydb and use row 0, column 0's data.

{{ salt['mysql.query']('mydb', 'SELECT info from mytable limit 1')['results'][0][0] }}

Return the number of seconds that a slave SQL server is lagging behind the master, if the host is not a slave it will return -1. If the server is configured to be a slave for replication but slave IO is not running then -2 will be returned. If there was an error connecting to the database or checking the slave status, -3 will be returned.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.slave_lag

Return the status of a MySQL server using the output from the SHOW STATUS query.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.status
salt.modules.mysql.user_chpass(user, host='localhost', password=None, password_hash=None, allow_passwordless=False, **connection_args)

Change password for a MySQL user

Host for which this user/password combo applies
The password to set for the new user. Will take precedence over the password_hash option if both are specified.

The password in hashed form. Be sure to quote the password because YAML doesn't like the *. A password hash can be obtained from the mysql command-line client like so:

mysql> SELECT PASSWORD('mypass');
| PASSWORD('mypass')                        |
| *6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
If True, then password and password_hash can be omitted (or set to None) to permit a passwordless login.

New in version 0.16.2: The allow_passwordless option was added.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' mysql.user_chpass frank localhost newpassword
salt '*' mysql.user_chpass frank localhost password_hash='hash'
salt '*' mysql.user_chpass frank localhost allow_passwordless=True
salt.modules.mysql.user_create(user, host='localhost', password=None, password_hash=None, allow_passwordless=False, **connection_args)

Creates a MySQL user

Host for which this user/password combo applies
The password to use for the new user. Will take precedence over the password_hash option if both are specified.

The password in hashed form. Be sure to quote the password because YAML doesn't like the *. A password hash can be obtained from the mysql command-line client like so:

mysql> SELECT PASSWORD('mypass');
| PASSWORD('mypass')                        |
| *6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
If True, then password and password_hash can be omitted (or set to None) to permit a passwordless login.

New in version 0.16.2: The allow_passwordless option was added.

CLI Examples:

salt '*' mysql.user_create 'username' 'hostname' 'password'
salt '*' mysql.user_create 'username' 'hostname' password_hash='hash'
salt '*' mysql.user_create 'username' 'hostname' allow_passwordless=True
salt.modules.mysql.user_exists(user, host='localhost', password=None, password_hash=None, passwordless=False, **connection_args)

Checks if a user exists on the MySQL server. A login can be checked to see if passwordless login is permitted by omitting password and password_hash, and using passwordless=True.

New in version 0.16.2: The passwordless option was added.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.user_exists 'username' 'hostname' 'password'
salt '*' mysql.user_exists 'username' 'hostname' password_hash='hash'
salt '*' mysql.user_exists 'username' passwordless=True
salt.modules.mysql.user_grants(user, host='localhost', **connection_args)

Shows the grants for the given MySQL user (if it exists)

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.user_grants 'frank' 'localhost'
salt.modules.mysql.user_info(user, host='localhost', **connection_args)

Get full info on a MySQL user

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.user_info root localhost

Return a list of users on a MySQL server

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.user_list
salt.modules.mysql.user_remove(user, host='localhost', **connection_args)

Delete MySQL user

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.user_remove frank localhost

Return the version of a MySQL server using the output from the SELECT VERSION() query.

CLI Example:

salt '*' mysql.version