
The match module allows for match routines to be run and determine target specs


Return True if the minion matches the given compound target

CLI Example:

salt '*' match.compound 'L@cheese,foo and *'

Return True if the minion matches the given data target

CLI Example:

salt '*' 'spam:eggs'

Return True if the minion matches the given glob target

CLI Example:

salt '*' match.glob '*'
salt.modules.match.grain(tgt, delim=':')

Return True if the minion matches the given grain target. The delim argument can be used to specify a different delimiter.

CLI Example:

salt '*' match.grain 'os:Ubuntu'
salt '*' match.grain_pcre 'ipv6|2001:db8::ff00:42:8329' delim='|'

Changed in version 0.16.4: delim argument added

salt.modules.match.grain_pcre(tgt, delim=':')

Return True if the minion matches the given grain_pcre target. The delim argument can be used to specify a different delimiter.

CLI Example:

salt '*' match.grain_pcre 'os:Fedo.*'
salt '*' match.grain_pcre 'ipv6|2001:.*' delim='|'

Changed in version 0.16.4: delim argument added


Return True if the minion matches the given ipcidr target

CLI Example:

salt '*' match.ipcidr ''

Return True if the minion matches the given list target

CLI Example:

salt '*' match.list 'server1,server2'

Return True if the minion matches the given pcre target

CLI Example:

salt '*' match.pcre '.*'
salt.modules.match.pillar(tgt, delim=':')

Return True if the minion matches the given pillar target. The delim argument can be used to specify a different delimiter.

CLI Example:

salt '*' match.pillar 'cheese:foo'
salt '*' match.pillar 'clone_url|' delim='|'

Changed in version 0.16.4: delim argument added